Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Frustrations of Teachers about Students’ Behavior

Careers and Colleges It is difficult for first time job hunters to have realistic ideas about how to profit from their skills. This is why it is important to investigate what career you may be interested in and what colleges will enable you to excell in that career. The profession that I am interested into going into is an elementary school teacher. Fordham University and New York University are two colleges that offer excellent elementary education programs. Throughout this report I will be discussing information related to the career as well as information dealing with the colleges. Career: Elementary School Teacher Work Description School teachers at the elementary level introduce children to the basic concepts of mathematics, language, science, and social studies. They aid children in the development of good study and work habits and help them aquire the skills necessary for further education. They evaluate each child and work with parents to provide whatever help a child may need to develop his or her full potential. Elementary school teachers are also concerned with the social development and health of their students. They work to resolve behavior or personality problems and are alert to health problems or illness. In these early years, teachers try to give students as much individual attention as possible. Elementary school teachers usually instruct one class of children in several subjects. They are occupied directly with children for most of the school day, although they also prepare lessons, meet with parents, attend faculty meetings, and supervise activities after school. Working Conditions Seeing students develop new skills and gain an appreciation of knowledge and learningn can be very rewarding. However, teaching may be frustrating when the teacher has to deal with unmotivated and disrespectful students. Teachers may also expeirience stress when dealing with large classes and heavy workloads. Teachers face isolation from their colleagues since they often work alone in a classroom of students. However, this autonomy provides teachers with freedom to choose there own teaching methods. Including school duties performed outside the classroom, many teachers work more than 40 hours a week. Most teachers work the traditional 10-month school year with a 2-month vacation during the summer. Teachers who teach 10 months may teach in the summer, take other jobs, travel, or persue other personal interests. Many inroll in college course or workshops to continue their education. Teachers in districts with a year-round schedule usually work 8 weeks, and are on vacation for 1 week, and have a 5-week midwinter. Places of Employment Elementary teahcers work in every geographic area. They work in cities and towns of all sizes and in rural areas throughout the United States. Elementay school teachers generally work in elementary schools. The grades in elementary schools vary but many schools consist of kindergaten through fifth grade. Although it changes from state to state, the elementary level usually includes kindergaten through sixth grade. Education and Training All states and the District of Columbia require that elementary school teachers in the public schools be certified by the state board of education, the state superintendent of eduaction, or a certification advisory commitee. The general prerequisites are a bachelor†s degree, completion of an approved teacher education program, and a period of supervised teacher education program. Many states require a certain grade point average in education courses before granting certification. Certification may also be specific to the level being taught or it may be specific to a specialization. Many teacher education programs include courses in the psychology of learning, child development, and teaching methods. Thirty-five ststes test basic skills, teaching skills, or specific subject matters for those seeking certification, and almost all require continuing certification for recertification. Teachers can also earn regional or national accreditation, the lattter granted by the National Council for Accreditation of Teaching Education (NCATE). Teachers in private schools are not generally required to take a teacher†s education program, and private schools often do not require the bachelor†s degree. Job Outlook In 1986 there were more than 1. 5 million elementary school teachers for about 30 million students in classes from kindergarten through the eigth grade. More than 80 percent work in the oublic school system and teach in schools with classes from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Through the year 2000 the demand for elementary school teachers should increase in response to increased enrollments. However, the number of teachers is also expected to increase, so there should be strong competition for jobs. Oppurtunities are likely to be better in the West and the South, where population has risen dramatically in the past decade. Hiring for the public schools depends entirly on budget appropriations, which depend in turn on taxpayers† priorities. Despite the importance of teaching, education competes with other essential services for revenue dollars. Salary Range According to the National Education Association, the estimated average salary of all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the 1995-1996 school year was $37,900. Private school teachers generally earn less than public school teachers. In 1996, over half of all public school teachers belonged to unions-mainly the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association-that bargain with school systems over wages, hours, and the terms and conditions of employment. In some schools, teachers receive extra pay for coaching sports and working with students in extracurricular activities. Some teachers earn extra income during the summer working in the school system or in other jobs. Personal Characteristics/Related Occupations/Promotions Elementary school teachers require a wide variety of skills and aptitude, including a talent for working with children; organizational, administrative, and recordkeeping abilities; research and communication skills; the power of influence, motivate and train others; patience; and creativity. Workers in other occupations that require some of these skills are college and university faculty, counselors, education administrators, employment interviewers, librarians, preschool teachers, public realations specialists, sales representatives, social workers, and trainers and employee development specialists. With additional preparation, teachers may move into positions as school librarians, reading specialists, curriculum specialists, or guidance coundelors. Teachers may also become administrators or supervisors, although the number of these positions is limited and competition for these desirable positions can be intense. In some systems, highly qualified, expeirienced teachers can become senior or mentor teachers, with higher pay and additional responsibilities. They guide and assist less expieienceed teachers while keeping most of their teaching responsibilities. Also a teacher may receive a promotion in pay with the completion of additional teaching courses. With each year a teacher teaches in a certain district, the pay increases. What you can do now to prepare There are many things that one can do to prepare for a career of elementary education. Someone who would like to become an elementary teacher should try finding a part time or volunteer job involving children. Such jobs include preschool teachers, camp counselors, or even baby-sitting. By working with children you will show yourself whether or not you have the dependability, good judgement, creativity, and patience that one must have in order to become a elementary teacher. Lifestyle Implications Despite what many people think, the teaching profession does not end when school is over. There are many lifestyle implications for teachers. Many things must be done at home. Such things include the planning of lessons, the grading of tests, homework corrections, faculty meetings, supervising extracurricular activities as well as the physical strain of being in charge of 25 children for six to seven hours a day for five days a week. Many people have thoughts of going into the teaching profession for the reason that they think they have summers off and that work ends when school does but this is not true. Reasons for Choosing the Career I think everyone has there own reasons for choosing teaching as there profession, but most teachers have similar reasons. Most teachers go into teaching because they want to educate and see children learn. One gets a feeling of satisfaction when they get through to children and see that the students are learning. I think most teachers go into the career because they care very much for children. When the school year is over, a teacher can look back at the year and realize that it is because of them that the children learned and are ready to go on with there education to a higher level of learning. One should be sure about teaching before entering the field because it is a very big profession to take on. Geographic Job Index How to Break into the Field Professional Associations/Periodicals In 1996, over half of all public school teachers belonged to unions. The two main associations are the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. These associations deal with a large range of issues and challenges affecting the teaching profession. They bargain with school systems over wages, hours, and the terms and conditions of employment. Both of these association have there own periodicals that deal with education-realted issues afeecting the profession.

Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Protection Essay

Cybersecurity entails safeguarding of computer networks and the information that it carries from unauthorized access and malicious disruption or damage. This is because the use of networks has become common in businesses and government activities, and any tampering can cause serious consequences for the affected bodies. A question is what degree do the security bridge has to critical infrastructure. Analyses of unconventional and asymmetric attacks assume that potential opponents would use cyber weapons. Such opponents could employ the use of conventional nation state and â€Å"non-state actors† opponents. Initially, cyber weapons were considered better because of their asymmetric attacks because of the low cost, which results in damaging most vulnerable parts that are found in most of the computer networks – may be disastrous as kinetic or blast weapon. â€Å"Digital Pearl Harbor† a term that appeared in mid-1990s, when internet was commercialized and frequently used came to birth. The scenario in this picture is that the world would plunge into disaster due to the introduction of hackers. Some of the results that were predicted to be associated with the Digital Pearl Harbor include open floodgates, blackness, poison water supply and planes crashing. However, there is no cyber attack that has produced such disastrous results. Such talk arose due to lack of technological understanding, how software’s operate, and the operation of other complex system. To determine the extent of risk that is posed by computer networks and its vulnerabilities, it requires an estimation of probability that will damage critical infrastructure in certain ways that will affect the national interest. Hence, it means that there should be sequential or simultaneous events that must occur for a digital attack in the cyberspace to have physical effect. Computer networks are usually the vulnerable part, and not the critical infrastructure that these networks accommodate or support. Infrastructures are strong and resilient and are capable of absorbing damages that are associated to terrorism, natural disasters and climates. This means that the issue of cybersecurity in the field of terrorism is usually overestimated. By saying so, it does not mean that planning of critical infrastructure protection should not be in place. In planning for the measures that should be include in planning in the CIP, first as the computer networks increase, their vulnerabilities also increases. Secondly, another method that can be employed by the attackers is attacking the storage parts of the networks instead of the networks itself. The networks are penetrated, collect-required information and monitor changes without creating any suspicion and when they are suspected, the databases and networks that support important activities are disrupted. Political Context for Cyber security and CIP In the end of 1990s, cybersecurity policies were dominant and there were frequent discussions on the issue of critical infrastructure protection. Nevertheless, currently there is a minimal understanding by the Federal that the initial issues that were associated with the use of internet and network connectivity were overemphasized. This overemphasis was due to several factors that range from the introduction of Internet to the Y2K (Philemon 2005, pp. 70). Y2K was associated for previous programming errors which IT experts believed that world would plunge into chaos at the mid night of the New Year, thus brought most attention to the world of cyber security. American government as been associated with risk-averse policies since the 1970s. This is because there is a loss in terms of confidence of governing elites, decrease in public trust and a punitive and partisan political environment. Hence introduces plans, policies, and various strategies for critical infrastructure protection. This political change brings in better understanding of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection. Hence, planning for critical infrastructure protection requires an assessment of risks that are capable of damaging attack. An individual who is risk aversive may estimate the probability of damage attack to be higher when compared to a neutral individual (Davis 2003, pp. 33). Assessing Risks In determination of the significance of cybersecurity for critical infrastructure protection, it must begin with estimating the risk. This method so far has proved difficult to incorporate. The better method is neutrally analyzing previous attacks and gain better ways of knowing it causes and consequences that were associated. This will enable the estimation of likelihood that a potential attacker will concentrate on a particular target. In addition, it is able to predict the type of weapons that will be used. This involves understanding the motive of the attacker, strategic role, capabilities, preferences, goals and experience. This will weigh the capabilities and goals of the attacker against potential infrastructure vulnerabilities (Davis 2003, pp. 33 – 34). The definition of risk is how much of threats that a society or government could withstand and relies on the importance of the security. Homeland Security policy states that it is difficult to eliminate all risks, but requires priorities that will reduce the amount of risks that are associated with cybersecurity. Risks that are associated to cybersecurity can be grouped into three parts: risks that can cause injuries or death, affects the economy or reduce the capability of military. So far, there are no issues or threats that are associated with the different groups (Keith 2005, pp. 66). Critical Infrastructures and Computer Networks United States has a long list that identifies critical sectors and includes agriculture, health systems, banking and fiance, IT and telecommunication, energy, industries, and transportation. To the Federal government the issue of cybersecurity is not serious to them. An infrastructure is said to be critical since it is able to meet some standards of national interest. To meet these different standards, there is usually an implicit assumption that disruption of the infrastructure would reduce flow of services and goods creating hardship resulting to impeding of government economic operations. To understand the relation between cybersecurity contributions to the critical infrastructure protection, two additional concepts of location and time can be introduced (Keith 2005, pp. 66). Location and time helps in understanding that cybersecurity is not a concern to critical infrastructure. Those issues that takes time to show problems, usually gives time for the affected organization to identify solutions and organize and in marshaling resources to respond to the issue, hence, does not present a crisis. The capability of industries to respond to the problems through innovation and creating alternative technologies or solutions means that those infrastructures that had disruption and did not posses immediate danger, results in minimal effect to the economic, national security and life in general. National infrastructures are geographical distributed which means that they are not critical in nature. This means that larger infrastructure provides critical supports to key governmental functions and economic, and not the entire industries or networks. This means that there are few networks that are national in nature and at the same time are usually mutually dependent. Networks that are associated with telecommunications, finance and electrical power are most critical because of its interconnectedness, economic health and national scope. An example is the Fed wire that supports banking, if it is attached it may cripple the banking sector form sometime, but the Federal Reserve have developed means to harden the Fed Wire. Internet as a Critical Infrastructure With the help of cyber weapons, the Internet can to some point be attacked. However, the Internet is a shared network that if attacked will affected both the target and the attacker. An attacker can calculate that the US economy may be most affected and the attacker may use back ups of some sort, giving it a temporary advantage. Internet is robust and is able to operate even if the Soviet Union and United States exchange nuclear weapons. Its architecture and design enables it to survive and withstand all these problems. With packet switching, the Internet can redirect the messages and at the end of the day arrives or are directed to the required port. The capacities of the internet to operate is due to the addressing system which is multilayered, decentralized and has the possibility of operating even if it means it will take days to update the routing table. The core protocols that are employed by the internet are vulnerable to attack. An example is the Border Gateway Protocol –BGP that is responsible for routing traffic, has been tested and it is vulnerable to attacks but the attacker has to face the redundancy, which is associated with thousand of subsidiary networks in the Internet (Davis 2003 pp. 33 – 34). So far, there is only one case that has between witnessed, in 2002 there was an attack to the Distributed Denial of Service of eight out of the 13 important root servers, which govern the addresses of the Internet. The attack did not cause a lot disruption but it is believed that if it could have taken a longer time it would have degenerated the Internet. Since the 2002 incident the DNS system has been strengthened through dispersing the root servers to different places, using new software’s and employing routing techniques. Hence, the new redundancy that has been employed has drastically reduced the issue of shutting down the DNS. In addition, the complexity that is associated with estimating the actual cost makes planning for critical infrastructure protection difficult. Most estimates that are associated with cybersecurity are exaggerated or overestimated. To obtain the amount of damages that are caused by cybersecurity, a sample is estimated and then it is extrapolated to the affected population. Analysis of the impacts and effects of cybersecurity estimates should be analyzed by statistical analyses and economic losses should not be received in face value. Importance of the cybersecurity in protecting critical infrastructures other than electrical power, telecommunications or finance, rests on the believe that the critical infrastructures are dependent on the computer networks for them to be able to operate. In such perspective the computer network specifically are vulnerable but the infrastructure that they support are not vulnerable (Philemon 2005, pp. 70 – 75). An example of a distractive cyber attack was the Slammer worm. It effects affected automated teller machines (ATM) across the northwest making 13000 to be out of service. Many analysts belief that the Slammer was a damaging cyber attack, but in national perspective, it had small impact since other parts of the country operated normally. Furthermore, the Slammer Worm only affected one bank and its ATM services. In this case, the customers of the bank suffered some inconveniences; the bank lost revenue and spoilt their reputation giving an advantage to the cybersecurity conscious competitors. Potential opponents in terms of nation-states may employ the use of cyberspace. When they gathering intelligence information will prompt them to attack and penetrate the U. S. computer networks. When a conflict occurs between different states, information, skills and access to crucial infrastructure will be used to disrupt important information system. Risks that are associated with espionage and cyber crime are real for firms, agencies and individuals. References Davis, J. (2003). Information Technology Security Threats, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, pp. 30 – 34 Keith, J. (2005), Plans and Developments in Computer Networking, New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 66 Macklin, M. (2007), Computer networking Implementation and Security, Jakarta: Cambridge University Press, pp. 45 – 49 Peter, K. (2001). Cyber Security and CIP, Australia: Fontana Books, pp. 120 – 121 Philemon, M. (2005), Development of Computer Systems and Terrorism Threats, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 70 – 75 Rachael, L. (2003), Critical Infrastructure Protection, New York: New York Publishers, pp. 13 16 Richard, Z. (2005), Management and Information Technology, London: Oxford University Press, pp. 60 – 61

Friday, August 30, 2019

Essay On Problem Solving Techniques Used By Few Organisations

AcknowledgementAn old Chinese proverb says; When eating your bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them. Now that our sprouts are ready to eat, it is time for us to express our deepest gratitude to all those to have made this possible. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our professor who guided and helped us from time to time to successfully conduct this research. We think her directions were the best thing that could happen to us and our project. We also would like to thank each other of our group members and hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we enjoyed making it.Contents Problem Solving Process & Steps Techniques used by various companies to solve their problems. 1) Nokia 2) Cadbury Dairy Milk 3) Tata Nano 4) Bisleri 5) Coca Cola 6) Allwyn photo copiersProblem Solving Process & StepsAs the owner of your own business you deal with problems on an almost daily basis. Being familiar with effective Problem Solving Techniques can dramatically affect the growth of your business. Although you find solutions to your problems, many businessmen and women are not really skilled in the methods of problem solving, and when solutions fail, they fault themselves for misjudgment. 1. Define the problemDiagnose the situation so that your focus is on the problem, not just its symptoms. Helpful techniques at this stage include using flowcharts to identify the expected steps of a process and cause-and-effect diagrams to define and analyze root causes. 2. Generate alternative solutionsPostpone the selection of one solution until several alternatives have been proposed. Having a standard with which to compare the characteristics of the final solution is not the same as defining the desired result. A standard allows us to evaluate the different intended results offered by alternatives. When you try to build toward desired results, it’s very difficult to collect good information about the process. Considering multiple alternatives can significantly en hance the value of your final solution.Once the team or individual has decided the â€Å"what should be† model, this target standard becomes the basis for developing a road map for investigating alternatives. Brainstorming and team problem-solving techniques are both useful tools in this stage of problem solving. Many alternative solutions should be generated before evaluating any of them. A common mistake in problem solving is that alternatives are evaluated as they are proposed, so the first acceptable solution is chosen, even if it’s not the best fit. If we focus on trying to get the results we want, we miss the potential for learning something new that will allow for real improvement. 3. Evaluate and select an alternativeSkilled problem solvers use a series of considerations when selecting the best alternative. They consider the extent to which: A particular alternative will solve the problem without causing other unanticipated problems. All the individuals involve d will accept the alternative.Implementation of the alternative is likely. The alternative fits within the organizational constraints. 4. Implement and follow up on the solutionLeaders may be called upon to order the solution to be implemented by others, â€Å"sell† the solution to others or facilitate the implementation by involving the efforts of others. The most effective approach, by far, has been to involve others in the implementation as a way of minimizing resistance to subsequent changes. Feedback channels must be built into the implementation of the solution, to produce continuous monitoring and testing of actual events against expectations. Problem solving, and the techniques used to derive elucidation, can only be effective in an organization if the solution remains in place and is updated to respond to future changes.Techniques used by various companies to solve their problems.1) NokiaAs we all know, Nokia had for so many years used the symbian operating system in their phones. It was working fine and Nokia had captured the Indian phone market very well. There was no competition to it from left right or centre. But in 2008 came a breathtaking technology by Google. They invented the Android OS. It became a benchmark for the mobile phone companies. Each and every phone started making their phones with the latest android technology, as android was fast, modern and the most important, user friendly. While Nokia still stuck to its old symbian os, and did not use the android technology. Slowly and gradually, Samsung took over the Indian market by storm.They had captured the Indian market which for long belonged to just Nokia. Nokia had a problem here. They did not use the android os because of some internal matters of their organization. So after a good amount of research and development later, nokia came out with a solution that would bring the brand nokia back in the market and try to regain its lost glory. They upgraded their technology and sta rted making phones with the Windows phone 8 OS. These phones gradually caught the eye of the Indian customers,  as it was something different than android. People started purchasing the Nokia Lumia series of phones and the sales of Nokia phones again where on a rise.2) Cadbury Dairy MilkIn eight outlets across Maharashtra, worms were found in some bars of Cadbury Dairy Milk, Cadbury's bread-and-butter brand selling 1 million bars a day and an icon of ‘chocolate' in India. Inquiry was instituted by the Food and Drug Administration and negative media publicity spread like wildfire. The extensively graphic media coverage led people to believe that every bar could be contaminated. Consequently, sales volume plummeted, retailer cooperation lessened and employee morale dwindled. All in all, the company's credibility suffered extensive damage. Reason behind this crisis..After a thorough investigation of the entire supply chain, it was found that the problem originated at the distri bution end.Apparently, at the retail outlets the infested bars were placed next to open unpacked items susceptible to worms. However, although the problem was not of its own making, Cadbury did take responsibility for the lack in educating retailers on storage and hygiene. The company launched a new double packaging that wrapped even the smallest 13 gm chocolate in an aluminium foil, heat-sealed for complete protection from all sides and further encased in a polyflow pack. The over-engineered pack, the first of its kind in India, cost the company a fortune, but fulfilled the company's promise to media and consumers. The new packaging was launched amidst much fanfare in a media conference.Amongst the material distributed in the conference were a comparison kit allowing evaluation of old and new packs and a video new release with packaging and factory shots for television coverage. To reinstate confidence among sales people and to motivate them, another audio-visual with a message fro m the ambassador Amitabh Bachchan was shown in a string of sales conferences.3) Tata NanoUntil the afternoon of 21 March when he took delivery of his Lunar Silver coloured Nano, 36-year-old Satish Sawant was your average citizen leading a normal life. On the Sunday of 21 March, accompanying him to collect the car  was his wife, five-year-old son and a temporary driver. It was close to 3 pm that day and they were nearing his residence. His wife pointed out that something was burning. Sawant looked out. Nothing was burning. She insisted and forced him to park. He got out—there was smoke coming out of the car’s rear. He hurriedly got his wife and son out. The smoke turned billowing black. He took the car’s papers out.The little vehicle now began to burn like you see in the movies. Tata Motors attributed the first couple of cases to the melting of localised parts caused by faulty combination switches. That is somewhat similar to sparks and smoke in your house†™s wiring caused by an electric short-circuit. There was no quality control deployed at the Tata motors production facility. So in order to bring the situation under control and solve this problem, Tata motors changed the vendors who supplied the combination switches and employed a proper quality control in their plant, by which each and every car would go through proper checks before being granted the ok status.4) BisleriIn the early 1990s, Parle Bisleri Ltd's (Parle Bisleri's) Bisleri1 had become synonymous with branded water and had a market share of 70%. In the late 1990s, Bisleri's market share began to erode with new players entering the market. The Cola majors, Pepsi and Coca-Cola and the confectionery giant, Nestle, also entered the branded water market in India. Pepsi and Coca-Cola had an established distribution network. Bisleri realized that with the new players also clambering on to the purity plank, it had to reposition itself to arrest its declining market share. In September 2000, Parle Bisleri launched its Play Safe ad campaign.The company tried to add a fun element to Bisleri to rejuvenate the brand. The ultimate aim was to increase Bisleri's turnover from Rs 4 billion2 in 2000 to Rs 10 billion by 2003. In 2001, both Kinley and Aquafina were making huge investments in bottling plants and distribution. By 2002, Coca-Cola India planned to double the number of water bottling plants to 16 and Pepsi announced that it would add seven more plants to the existing five. In contrast, Bisleri had only 15 bottling plants and three franchisees. Kinley had 500,000 outlets compared to Bisleri's 350,000.Analysts felt that Kinley and Aquafina had an edge over Bisleri because of their strong distribution network. In 2000, in the  face of competition from the new entrants, Bisleri decided to penetrate every possible segment of the market by introducing more pack sizes and to establish the brand strongly with trendy packaging. In 2000, Bisleri launched the 1. 2 litre pack. This added to the five pack sizes that Bisleri had (500 ml, one, two, five and 20 litres). The new pack was priced at Rs 12. In 2000, Bisleri also launched smaller packs like the 300 ml cup. This 300 ml cup was targeted at large gatherings like marriages and conventions. A study conducted by Bisleri showed that its one litre pack was not considered trendy enough.5) Coca ColaIn 2003, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a non-governmental organisation in New Delhi, said aerated waters produced by soft drinks manufacturers in India, including multinational giants PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, contained toxins including lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos — pesticides that can contribute to cancer and a breakdown of the immune system. Tested products included Coke, Pepsi, and several other soft drinks (7Up, Mirinda, Fanta, Thums Up, Limca, Sprite), many produced by The Coca-Cola Company.This affected the sales of cocacola to a great extent, they went crashin g down. Later on after a detailed study, the company found out that the water they used for the manufacturing was safe and free from pesticides, but the problem was in the packaging department. The bottles in which the coke is to be filled is processed and cleaned with certain chemicals so that it becomes safe and all the impurities are removed, and later on the bottle is washed with water. It was seen that after cleaning the bottles with the chemicals, they were not being washed properly, which resulted in the chemicals staying in the bottle before the coke was filled in it. The company identified this problem and resolved this by keeping a proper quality control on the bottling plant and make sure that the bottles are washed properly after being treated with chemicals.6) Allwyn photo copiersThis is a shop which is situated in Mumbai. It undertakes the work of photo copying, printing, etc. For years they have been using the old Xerox machines. The name Xerox is synonym with photo c opy in India. But as the  time changes, there is a need to adopt new technologies to keep up with the competition in the market. So the company purchased new equipments and new printers which had the latest technologies like laser beam printing, etc. But after purchasing and using the new equipments, instead of their sales going up, they started declining. This was a matter of concern for the management as the sales were declining even after they were using the new technologies.They did a proper research on this and found out that the problem was not in the machinery, but the people handling the machines were not aware of the new machines properly and thus they were not able to use it efficiently. To overcome this problem, the management decided to train the employees who handle the machines. They were trained on various aspects as to how to make full use of machiniery with minimum efforts. Training the workmen is an important part of the production process. Thus when the handlers were trained properly, they knew how to use the machines properly and this in turn increased their efficieny. This resulted in more sales and more productivity.ConclusionThus we saw the case studies of various organizations and companies and how they overcome their problems. We can take a few inputs from these cases and implement it whenever we are stuck in any problem similar to these. Quality control and problem solving techniques are extremely important for an organization , as each and every organization faces some kind of the problem. What is important is that how they overcome it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Use of Prescription Drugs to Treat Children and Adolescents with Essay

The Use of Prescription Drugs to Treat Children and Adolescents with Mental Disorders - Essay Example It is important to note that only a very fortunate few were treated at this time. Many prehistoric sufferers of mental disorders were either killed as infants or left alone to die in the wilderness (Arieti 1974). This cruel and heartless treatment continued for several millennia. As people gained a wider understanding of the body and how it worked, they also gained greater knowledge of the brain and its possible abnormalities. The advent of Christianity and Islam led to more humane treatment of the mentally ill. The first psychiatric hospital appeared in the Byzantine Empire during the 6th Century A.D. (Arieti 1974). Over the next several hundred years, an enormous evolution of thought took place. Psychiatric patients were no longer seen as monsters to be gotten rid of in any way possible; they were seen as humans who needed medical help. Most of the responsibility for the care of the mentally ill fell on the shoulders of religious organizations, and this would cause more problems for mental patients during the European Reformation and Renaissance periods. They were often left to fend for themselves when the monasteries were dissolved (Arieti 1974). The European obsession with witch hunts during the 16th and 17th Centuries led to even more deplorable treatment of the mentally ill, who were incorrectly thought to be possessed by the devil, and were tortured or executed because of this (Arieti 1974). For a time, it appeared as if the treatment of mental patients was going to revert back to prehistoric cruelty. Then, in the 18th Century, the cultural period of Enlightenment began, and many psychiatric hospitals were reinstated (Arieti 1974). Some were formed out of the prison sy stem, while others sprang once again from religious organizations (Arieti 1974). The 19th Century ushered in a new era of psychiatry. Psychiatry had now become its own autonomous specialty, recognized as being independent from the field of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource Management, Assignment3, Monitoring and Rewarding Essay

Human Resource Management, Assignment3, Monitoring and Rewarding - Essay Example In case of MORAS Ltd. the personal assistant is working in the head quarter and has a good relationship with other employees. The person has been promoted from the position of administrative assistant to personal assistant, requires minimum supervision and has subordinates who are administrative personnel. They are to handle confidential information, attend phone calls, organise meetings and other secretarial activities like checking mails, writing replies. They are given all the facilities to perform the work efficiently along with an air-conditioned office. They are to have a four year experience as an assistant or secretary. Their work activities include handling calls and filing and recording, it is required that they have knowledge of the General Manager’s responsibilities. They are required to make decisions solely, be a fine organiser and complete work on time as required. If any mistake is made in handling calls it would not have a drastic impact. In case of filing and recording, they should know typing, filing, organising and classifying records. It is essential to perform work on time and avoid any mistake because poor filing will lead to serious problems in the company. [2] 2. The employees who are working in the company are given a questionnaire and if they feel that they should be promoted then their questionnaire is reviewed by their supervisor. If the supervisors also feel the same then the employee undergoes a few process of observation and then might be promoted. [5] The information maintained in the records about the employees, tells about their skills, knowledge, responsibilities. If these are more than required for the job then will help the supervisor decide whether to the position held by the employee is appropriate or his skills might serve a higher position. Records contain information about how efficiently employees perform their job, how

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Final report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final report - Essay Example ?Southern Asia’ and ‘Confucian Asia’ concluded that an integral component of leadership which is known as participative leadership varies in its presence across the three clusters, where the Western or Anglo culture observably places greater value upon participation to assist leadership in comparison with both of the remaining groups comprising of Asian countries. Swierczek (1991) however, negates this notion as per his research findings based on a sample of exclusively Asian managers who appreciate and favor participation over direction as leadership behaviors. Adler (1991) suggested that leadership models developed in the West and particularly in the United States have failed to address cross-cultural leadership dilemmas which has greatly diminished their applicability on a universal scale, this brings us to the perspective presented by Bass (1990) who claimed that commentators and researches must learn to identify the distinction between leadership models that are specific to the dimensions of a culture compared to those that can be applied on a global scale. This suggests that the specificity of Western models of leadership is not an indicator of their effectiveness or ineffectiveness but a measure of their applicability. Dorfman et al. (1997 pp.233-234) concluded that despite of the common belief that the universality of leadership models and behaviors is very weak or in some cases non-existent, three distinct leadership behaviors; contingent reward, supportive and charismatic displayed their subsistence on a global scale, while, participative, contingent punishment and directive approaches to leadership were found to exist only in particular cultures. Similarly, the cultural specificity of participative leadership behavior was also found by Ashkanasay (2002) while, the findings of Bass & Avolio, 1993) also reported that the application of leadership models on a cross-cultural basis is a possibility. Mills (2005) adopts a neutral stance in his analysis of Asian and Western leadership models, acknowledging that while both approaches are fairly distinctive from each other they also carry a certain extent of resemblance. In understanding why certain aspects of Asian leadership models are so dramatically different from their Western counterparts, Mills (2005) asserts that in an Asian business setting family and political associations are more prevalent than in Western organizations, Chu (2011) notes that a majority of large corporations in Asia are in fact family business. Moreover, it is also speculated whether culture actually is the principle factor in assessing the difference between Asian and Western leadership models or is it the varying economic, corporate and social development stages of the organizations existing in the two regions (Mills, 2005). Mills (2005) argues that from a Western point of view, CEOs of organizations operating in countries

Monday, August 26, 2019

LensCrafters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LensCrafters - Essay Example riendly service should never be discounted as efforts to specifically address consumers gives them a sense of power as they enter into a room ready to serve them. The lessons learned from Lenscrafteres’ are to differentiate, provide high levels of service, and to be convenient without sacrificing quality. The strategy that is used by Lenscrafter in order to compete in the eyewear market is high levels of service. Service is made a visible entity as the customer can watch as their eyeglasses are being made. The service that is provided is intended to be completed within an hour, making it a convenient process which leads to the second characteristic. The second characteristic that defines the competitive priorities for Lenscrafters’ is that of convenience. Where most eyewear operations require several days to order and then receive the glasses that a customer has ordered, the Lenscrafters’ model is based on a fast turnaround that provide the consumer with their product within the same shopping experience. The average turnaround time is one hour (Collier & Evans, 2010). The final characteristic explored here is that of quality. Quality is the lynchpin characteristic of the development of the competitive advantages that Lenscrafters’ holds. Everything from the design of the store to the view of the workers in the lab promotes the idea of quality. Although service and convenience are the basis on which the store operates, it is through quality that they create relationships with consumers, outdistancing the competition by crating high quality eyewear in a short period of time with a high level of service. The service delivery system design is structured through the development of the store locations. The store locations use a number of different design features in order to facilitate the best possible experience for the consumer. The first element of the design is that it is created in order to evoke a high level of professionalism. The display of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Mutual Funds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mutual Funds - Essay Example similarly we can outline the concept of bonds. Bonds gives people chance to lend our money to the government or a company. We receive interest and principle back over pre-determined amount of time. We can say that bonds are the most common lending investments traded on the market. Other than shares and bonds there are other types of investments like real estate and precious metals but it is generally perceived that mutual funds mostly invest in stocks and bonds. Many definitions have written by people but essentially all dwell upon the same idea regarding its concept. So a mutual fund can be defined as a financial intermediary that allows a certain group of investors to pool their money together with a pre-determined investment objective. Here in mutual fund there exists a fund manager who trades the fund's underlying securities. He then can realize capital gains or loss and then collects the dividend. Whenever we invest in a mutual fund, we are buying shares of the mutual fund and thus in the process becoming a shareholder of the fund. After the dividend income is found, the investment proceeds are then passed to the individual investors. We then calculate the value of the share of the mutual fund which is known as net asset value. ... ies we can say that it is one of three types of investment companies in the United States and outside United States & Canada mutual fund can termed as generic word for various types of collective investments. Types of Mutual Funds There exist few common types of mutual funds and they are outlined as follows: Money Market funds, fixed income funds, equity funds or growth funds, balanced funds, global funds, specialty funds and index funds. Lets describe each of them briefly so as the understand the whole concept clearly. Monet Market Funds: These are generally perceived as low risk funds offering low returns. These are a type of mutual funds that invest in a short term debt securities of agencies like banks U.S Treasury bills. They have advantages of being widely used, low risk and highly liquid in nature. Fixed income funds It is a type of mutual funds which invest in debt securities like bonds and mortgages. The main goal is to provide the investors with regular income with low risk. Here in this type fund values fluctuate in response to changes in interest rates Equity Funds Equity funds are also called as growth funds. It invests primarily in common shares. The goal is to have long term growth because the value of the assets held usually increase over time. Some funds focus on blue chip companies and others on smaller companies. Balanced Funds It invests in a balanced portfolio of equities, debt securities with the goal of providing reasonable returns with low to moderate risk Global and foreign funds It is a type of mutual fund which may be fixed income or growth or balanced funds and which invest in foreign securities. Specialty funds It is a type of mutual fund which invests primarily in a specific geographic location or a specific

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Non-Financial Rewards Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Non-Financial Rewards - Dissertation Example Moreover, free pension entitlement or private medical care can also be considered as the non financial rewards. Research Question What is the impact of non-financial reward on employee satisfaction? Literature Review The non financial rewards are cost effective for the organizations. According to Armstrong (2010), non financial rewards focus on the reorganization, achievement, autonomy, influence, personal growth and responsibility needs of the employees (Armstrong, 2010, p. 47). There are two types of non financial rewards namely tangible non financial rewards and intangible non financial rewards. Intangible non financial rewards are referred as the relational rewards. Work life balance, quality of work life fall in the intangible non financial rewards category. On the other hand the tangible non financial rewards are referred as the non cash rewards. These non cash rewards support several recognition programmes. Low valued matters or objects like flowers and chocolates are consider ed as the tangible non financial rewards. Several vouchers and substantial value offers like holiday package are also considered as the tangible non financial rewards. ... This scheme helps an organization to increase performance outcomes. It can be seen that several global organizations implemented this specific recognition schemes in order to increase their business efficiency. Generally larger organizations use this recognition schemes as it is both time and cost effective. These recognitions can come in both non tangible and tangible forms. According to Perkins and White (2010), an effective employee recognition programme should be prevalent, visible, spontaneous, personal and memorable (Perkins and White, 2011, p.72). The organizations implement these recognition schemes in order to achieve several organizational objectives. It motivates the employees to provide effective work performance. It creates a positive organizational work environment. The organization can maintain their ethics and morale through these recognition schemes. Moreover, these recognition schemes encourage the employee loyalty and support several cultural changes. According to Lewis (2006), involvement policies, thank you prizes, communication strategies, imaginative job designs and effective performance appraisal are majorly considered as the non financial reward (Lewis, 2006, p.107). According to Armstrong (2007), achievement, influence, personal growth, recognition and responsibility are the key objectives of non financial rewards (Armstrong, 2007, p.69). Employee recognition programme is a key aspect in employee motivation process. It is important for the management of the organization to link it properly and strategically to the organizational objectives and goals. It will help to increase the motivation of employees and business output of the organization.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Major Motivational Theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Major Motivational Theories - Research Paper Example This is because one needs highly motivated employees to get the work done. Well motivated employees are those who are keen to do excellent jobs because they feel that they have to. Their goal is to do their job, and that’s what managers need. Intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that is driven by interest. The interest of the person itself is the drive to make the work his goal. The people who are intrinsically motivated jump on the task to improve their skills. The other type of motivation is the extrinsic kind. The interest of the person to complete the goal if he is extrinsically motivated is usually the things he might get after the goal is achieved, like rewards or punishment. For example, grades and winning are extrinsic motivational factors while studying something because one is indeed interested in that particular area is intrinsic There are many motivation theories that are practiced to have motivated employees. Three of them are discussed in this paper. Th ese theories are: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, and McGregor’s X/Y theory. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is perhaps the most popular and the most basic motivational theory. It was first discussed in Maslow’s 1943 study called A Theory of Human Motivation. It discusses the levels of human needs and how it is important in understanding these needs in order to manipulate the conditions of one’s employees for them to be good employees. It is often represented by a pyramid, with the needs starting from the bottom and ending at the tip with self actualization. The primary needs of a person are at the bottom of the pyramid, and that’s the physiological need. Then it progresses to safety, love, esteem and self-actualization. According to the hierarchy, one cannot achieve self-actualization if he did not fulfill the previous rung of the pyramid. This means that one should fulfill the physiological need, then the safe ty need, then the love need and then the esteem need in order to achieve self-actualization. Criticism of the theory is largely based on the postulate that the ranking of the â€Å"needs† aren’t really that accurate. Critics argue that food, shelter and other â€Å"physiological† needs are naturally instinctual and should not be included in the pyramid theory. They also say that the needs of a person referred to in this pyramid are largely for the American man. However, this information on motivation is quite important to managers as they would know what their people need, especially in an intercultural atmosphere. Since values and traditions differ, their needs as humans would definitely put a common thread on them, making them easier to motivate based on those commonalities. And even if the criticisms say something common on them, they are not as powerful. The second theory is the Herzberg’s two factor theory. According to this theory, there are two kin ds of motivations: the one that causes satisfaction and the one the causes dissatisfaction. It is also called-hygiene motivation. It is also called content theory motivation. He interviewed 200 accountants and engineers for this who were then asked to recall when they felt good or bad at their offices. From this, he concluded that the motivation of the employees lies on the hygiene factors and motivation factors. Hygiene factors are those things which are needed by

Business Capstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Capstone - Essay Example For example, in 2013, the company production output stood at 9,714,654 vehicles. This paper seeks to discuss some of the major aspects that have General Motors to be a successful company locally and internationally. One of the major aspects that make GM to be a unique company is that it does not have an official mission statement. However, according to the company website, making the world top brands can only be achieved through the support of world greatest workers. The company focus is to take pride of its workers and take precaution to produce exceptional cars as well as providing ownership experience to its customers across the globe. Through the commitment that the company has to its customers, the company missions makes it to be innovative thus producing quality brands that meet the needs of its customers in the local as well as global markets. GM vision is to become the global leader in transportation products thus earning trust and loyalty from its customers across the world. In order to produce top brands, the vision of the company has made it to be driven by integrity and strong team work thus making the company to enjoy high sales and dividend. One of the major GM stakeholders is the employees. With more than 219,000 skilled employees, GM has been able to improve its services in the production facilities as well as in the distribution centers. Similarly, the management team headed by Tim Solso has put in place effective management policies that have made the company to be innovative and deliver long-term investment value thus making it to effectively face off its main competitors that includes Toyota Motor Corporation, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Nissan Motor, Daimler AG, and Ford Motor Co among others. On their part, the shareholders have made the company to be successful based on their increased investments. This has made the company to continue giving dividends to the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pathway to Becoming an Engineer Essay Example for Free

Pathway to Becoming an Engineer Essay Engineering is both a discipline and a profession that mostly deals with the application of technical and scientific knowledge by the specially trained engineers. It involves the utilization of natural laws and physical resources in order to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems and processes which are aimed at realizing desired objectives in accordance with a specified criteria. These engineers apply scientific knowledge gained from such fields like mathematics and physics in order to find solutions to problems The engineering profession is among the few highly prestigious professions in the United States and as parents responded to a survey they said that they would like their children to enroll in such a profession. This being a fact it is important for those aspiring to be engineers to have some knowledge about the main requirements necessary for one to enroll for an engineering course. It is a necessity for the aspirant to have a good foundation in the science based subjects in high school as these act as prerequisite for good performance in the engineering courses. This includes such subjects like Mathematics, Biology,Physics,Chemistry, Mechanics and computer knowledge. The students should also have good knowledge in English and the Social Sciences since they also form part of the program in the university. Apart from being good in the class work more is also expected to have some character traits From a study done by Ross Harrison (1955) mechanical engineers were found to be emotionally stable without any neurotic symptoms, goal oriented, serious minded, energetic while advocating for direct action when faced with problems. Other character traits found in the mechanical engineers was that they were straight forward people who rarely show analytical interest in other people. They also avoid introspection and self examination as revealed by the study. In addition they are expected to be trustworthy, honest, and maintain high levels of integrity(Carbajal 2006). From these studies learners should seek to develop these traits although it is not such a requirement. Pre-college activities There exists some program which students preparing to join engineering courses at the university can participate in. Most of these programs are organized by universities and are called Summer Programs. One such program that students can participate in is the Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB). It is an eight weeks program that prepares students before they enroll for their studies and gives them an opportunity to participate in the area of interest. Another internship program that high school students can enroll in is the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program which is sponsored by the office of Naval Research and offered annually. There are many summer programs related to engineering studies but they take the already registered students during the summers. Main branches of Engineering. Engineering is a broad discipline which is often broken down into several sub disciplines all of which do concentrate on different areas of engineering work. Over history the major renown branches of engineering are; Aerospace (dealing with aircraft and spacecraft),Chemical(dealing with conversion of raw materials in to usable commodities),Civil(deals with design and construction of private and public works like bridges building), Electrical engineering which deals with design of electrical systems, Mechanical Engineering which deals with design of physical or mechanical systems, Computer Engineering dealing with design of software and hardware integration. With advancement in technology new fields are coming up. Such fields include Software Engineering, Molecular Engineering, Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering. Top engineering colleges in the U. S According to the ranking done by Graduates Hotline 2006 the best universities in engineering were ranked as, Massachusetts Institute of Technology being the best followed by Stanford University then third placed was University of California-Berkeley. The others were California institute Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon and University of Texas at Austin in that order of the top ten institutions. How to find engineering colleges There are about 1,830 programs at colleges and universities that offer bachelors in engineering and in order for one to locate the best he/she should consider whether they are accredited by the Accredition Board For Technology(ABET). The student should investigate the curriculum and check accreditions carefully before selecting a college. This because programs may have the same name but vary in terms of the content to be covered. Enrollment into engineering There has been an increase in enrollment for graduate students in science and engineering fields in the U. S. Full time enrollment increased by 16% in the year 2006 to reach a peak of 343,603 students and this comprised of both foreign and U. S. Citizens(Oliver 2007). This increase was in all engineering subfields except for civil, agricultural and computer sciences. Typical first year engineering class. Different institutions have different first year programs for their engineering students. But in majority of the institutions students spend most of their first year while studying mathematics(Calculus,Algebra,Geometry) and basic sciences like Physics, Biology and Chemistry It is called the first year engineering transition program which helps students to upgrade their Grade Point Average and improve their academic standing. It also helps the students to prepare adequately for the subsequent years of study. The typical first year class is usually divided into two semesters with specified courses of study for each semester. These are the winter semester and the summer semester. The bachelors program is designed to last four years but mostly students find themselves taking up to five years to complete their degree programs. Importance of internships for students. The internships usually offered during the summer periods provide valuable experiences for the students. This because they provide first hand perspectives of a career and as such begin to realize the value of their courses. Through internships students develop essential skills that are required on the job. Again they create opportunities through which students understand what is expected of them in the industry. They also explore their career in order to apply their skills and talents which rhyme with their interests. Internship periods have also been know to be transformative since during such times the students meet and overcome many challenges that come their way. This increases their confidence and drive to learn to achieve. Licensure All states in the U. S require licensure of all engineers who offer their services directly to the public. Those who manage to get the license must be in possession of a degree from an accredited institution in addition to four years of relevant experience. They are also expected to sit and pass a state exam. After getting the license they are then referred as professional engineers. Salaries and employment for engineers The earnings for engineers vary depending on speciality ones level of education and the industry one works in. In the federal government the mean annual salaries for engineers in the year 2007 ranged from $75,144 in Agricultural engineering to $107,546. when all other groups of employees are considered it is the engineering group that earns the highest average starting salary. In the same year engineers held about 1. 5 million jobs in the U. S. Out of these jobs 37% was in the manufacturing industries while 28% was in the professional sector. As regards the federal state employment it employed 12% of all the engineers while 3% took consultancy as a form of self employment. One thing that is important for practicing engineers is for them to continue upgrading their education throughout their careers. This is because employers will attach more value to highly trained engineers as opposed to those who are not highly educated. Again promotion in this profession is closely associated with the level of education and as such the highly educated ones end up getting promoted easily. As mentioned earlier engineers play a very significant role in the society since they provide solutions to most of the problems that the society face. Therefore we can not under emphasize the role they play in the society as they apply scientific knowledge in meeting the societys need. They are viewed as very important people in the society and thus they should maintain the integrity in serving the society in line with the professional code of conduct. Works Cited Carbajal,C. and Ezequiel Chavez(2006). Trustworthiness and Integrity: Cardinal Virtues for Engineers. 10th October 2008http://www. cse. fau. edu/carbajal. pdf Engineering Disciplines. 10th October 2008http://www. careercornerstone. org/engineering/agdisc. htm Harrison, Ross. Profile of a Mechanical Engineer III Personality. 10th October 2008http://www3.interscience. wiley. com/journal Occupational Hand Book,2008-09. Bureau of labor Statistics, U. S Department of Labor. 10th October 2008http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos027. htm Oliver, Julia. Engineering Increases In 2006. 10th October 2008http://www. nsf. gov/statistics/inbrief/nsf08302/ Stephanie, Lambert. Internships: Many Perspectives Unlimited Benefits. 10th October 2008http://www. becpdx. org/pdf/sao/ Types of Engineers. 10th October 2008http://www. madison. k12. wi. ustypes. htm http://www. graduateshotline. com/ranks/

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Barriers to the HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening for BAME Women

Barriers to the HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening for BAME Women What are the Barriers of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening amongst Minority Women age 12-26? Abstract Background: Minority women systematically experience socio-economic disadvantages, which put them in the face of greater obstacles in attaining optimal health. Approximately 44 million women in the United States, nearly one third of all women in America, self-identify as women of a minority racial or ethnic group. Yet, minority women fare worse than non-Hispanic white women across a broad range of measures, with some of the largest disparities being that of HPV-related cervical cancer mortality. Objective: The objective is to emphasize the barriers of care in relation to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination, as well as examine patterns in barriers like demographic, cultural, and health belief factors amongst minority women.Methods: The data collection review and process was based on article review factors that were associated with HPV vaccine acceptability, initiation, and series completion among adolescent and young adult women of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups in the United States. Results: Selected characteristics of the included studies contended that an estimated 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually in the United States, and 4500,000 women worldwide develop cervical cancer each year. Higher rates of cervical cancer are found in US regions with large minority and impoverished populations. Conclusion: It is imperative for clinicians to progress minority women screening and early detection. Further intervention models need to reflect multifactorial determinants of screening utilization. Introduction Background While there have been strides in HPV and cervical cancer prevention efforts, many minority women across the board still experience significant barriers to care. For example, women from rural and poor communities tend to have health illiteracy in regard to their own self-care, which also includes their mistrust for the healthcare system. Additionally, many minority women simply lack financial access to care. Socio-economic disadvantages (i.e. race, class, gender, education, occupation, etc.) are the underlying issues. Though many health efforts are made by health professionals, and health ramifications like informative technologies and preventative care strategies have been achieved, there is a continual socio-economic and racial imbalance with both the diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, especially the strains directly influenced by HPV. Specific Aims Our specific aims are to first identify Health care barriers and challenges to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination within the population of minority women. We also want to uncover minority women, health care provider & health care system risk factors for cervical cancer screening & HPV vaccination, as well as, health care challenges and opportunities in improving cervical cancer screening rates amongst minority women. Lastly, we want to pinpoint the nurses’ roles in preventing cervical cancer in underserved racial and or ethnic populations. Methods Search Strategy In June 2017,we searched four electronic bibliographic databases (Google scholar, Medline, Pubmed and Cinahl) using the search terms ‘HPV’ ‘cervical cancer’ ‘pap smear’ ‘minority women’ ‘ethnic women’ and ‘health disparities’. All of the studies identified during the database search were assessed for relevance to the review based on the information provided in the title, abstract, and description of key words and terms. A full report was retrieved for all studies that met the inclusion criteria. Inclusion Criteria The data collection review and process was based on article review factors that were associated with HPV vaccine acceptability, initiation, and series completion among adolescent and young adult women of different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups in the United States. We reviewed relevant peer-reviewed and evidence-based qualitative literature in order to identify current vaccination trends, rates and factors associated with HPV and cervical cancer. Study findings a related to race (black, Latina, Asian), and socio-economic disadvantages were summarized. Eligibility Criteria Understanding current vaccination trends and the barriers to series initiation and completion, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that 11 to 12 year old adolescents receive two doses of the HPV vaccine in order to protect against themselves against cancers that are caused by HPV. The HPV vaccine series can be given to girls beginning at age 9 years old, but many parents believe this age is too immature for a sexually transmitted disease vaccination. Additionally, it is recommended by the CDC that girls and women age 13 through 26 years of age who have not yet been vaccinated or completed the vaccine series to be given the HPV vaccination immediately to provide HPV-cancer related protection. In understanding HPV vaccination parameters, it is essential that we too recognize gaps in knowledge and all the misconceptions surrounding HPV vaccination and cervical cancer. When the vaccine is given prior to HPV exposure, it is highly effective in preventing infection from two high-risk genotypes (HPV-16/HPV-18) of HPV, which causes approximately 70 percent of cervical cancers, and two low-risk (HPV-6/HPV-11) genotypes that are responsible for over 90 percent of all genital warts. As we assessed the appropriateness of our criteria interests, we focused on Black/African-American, Latina and non-white adolescent women age 12-26, minority teen women reported having sexual intercourse, adolescent women who have completed puberty, and low income and health care illiterate young women, who are too uninsured or have limited access. Quality Assessment The methodological quality is significant to our study. It was organized and detailed oriented. It presented evidence that there is a need for increasing HPV vaccination among young minority women. The failure to achieve equitable vaccination has exacerbated health disparities in HPV and cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Research suggests that low- income and minority women are disadvantaged due to the difference in cervical cancer screening, practices and beliefs, as well as healthcare access barriers and systemic risk factors. We used the ‘Research and Quality Scoring Method’ by Sackett and Haynes, the Jadad scale, and the items published by Cho and Bero to rate the quality of each study (Table 1). The range of total quality scores was from 0 to 9. Studies that ranged from 0 to 5 were considered low quality, whereas studies that ranged from 6-9 were considered high quality. Two raters independently coded variables using Microsoft Excel. Discrepancies were identified and resolved amongst our team members. Table 1. Study quality ratings Statistical Analysis Race/ethnicity and low socio-economic status are known predictors of late-stage diagnosis of cervical cancer and are important predictors of cancer mortality. In the United States, approximately 12,000 women develop cervical cancer and 44000 die of the disease each year, with higher incidence and mortality rates reported in low-income minority populations. HPV vaccination has been shown to reduce the prevalence of high-risk HPV infection among teen women and thus, has the potential to decrease the risks of cervical cancer among vaccinated young women. According to preceding surveillance and qualitative studies, it is indicated that a decline in the annual rate of high-grade cervical cancer, from 834 per 100,000 in 2008 to 688 per 100,000 in 2014, among women aged 21 to 24 years, which reflects the impact of HPV vaccination. However, declines were not significant in areas with high proportions of minority women (i.e blacks, Latinas) and/or people living in low-income areas. Results Included Studies The search yielded nearly 500 potential article titles for review, yet less than 70 were relevant to our interests. And of that 70, about 20 were dated within the last 10 years. Accordingly, less than 20 seemed more characteristic of our research interests and provided adequate information to our research question. Description of Studies Selected characteristics of the included studies contended that an estimated 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually in the United States, and 4500,000 women worldwide develop cervical cancer each year. In the United States, cervical cancer incidence is nearly twice as high in counties with poverty levels > 20% compared with those with poverty levels

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of African American Voters

History of African American Voters In the year of 1619, American citizens decided that the new and accepted way of life was to force African citizens into slavery by kidnapping them and bringing them by ship to the land now known as the United States. These groups of people initially were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia. They ended up becoming property and sold as slaves to their white owners. Slave-owners needed and depended on their property to aid in the production of lucrative crops such as tobacco, indigo and cotton. This went on for over 200 years. The northern and southern colonies did not agree on many laws. There was a big disagreement regarding slavery. It brought about the Civil War that took place between 1861 and 1865. Many changes took place. Slavery was supposed to be abolished. When the war was over, African Americans were not readily told that they were free to leave the plantations that they considered to be their homes. Slave masters were afraid that if they left, they would not be able to plant and harvest their crops that they depended on for income. When the freed slaves found out that they could leave the plantations, they realized that they had nowhere to go. Some were satisfied with that and simply set out to go north where they hoped to settle down in any land of prosperity. Others took offers to remain on the plantations and work the land in exchange for food and a place to live. They were not given property to claim as their own. They were only given promises. Everyday life seemed the same. Nothing changed. From about 1900 to 1965, most African Americans were not allowed to vote in the South. When they tried to vote, they were threatened, beaten, and sometimes killed. Many of their homes were burned down or they were thrown off of the land that they lived on. Because most African Americans could not and did not attend school, they were illiterate and were not allowed to vote. Many states allowed only property owners to vote. There were instances where jars were filled with gumballs and the African Americans were told that they could vote if they were able to correctly guess the number of gumballs in the jars. Southern states required African Americans to pay a tax to vote. Laws were enacted that said that people who had gone to prison were not allowed to vote. African Americans were very often arrested on charges for minor offenses to prevent them from voting. Charges were as petty as dropping a peanut shell on the ground or driving with a light out on their vehicle. The police usually knocked the light out after making the arrest. The Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965. It was supposed to help with barriers to voting at the state and local levels for African Americans who could not exercise their right to vote as given in the 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. There were not as many problems involved in trying to vote in national elections. News reports citing stories of voter suppression and disenfranchisement of African Americans during the general election that took place in November 2016 captured headlines for months. It was alleged that African Americans faced some of the same obstacles that they did before the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted. African Americans are not represented as they should be when making decisions of who they want to represent them in government. The field is not level and it sometimes causes apathy when it is perceived that their voices will not be heard. Because African Americans are disproportionately likely to be in prison, they are particularly affected by the restriction of voting rights. According to Recoquillon, C. Sydenham, K., (2017): Felon disenfranchisement laws disproportionately affect ethnic minority communities on a national level. A higher rate of incarceration among the black and Latino populations leads directly to higher disenfranchisement rates. As a Human Services Professional, my starting point towards advocacy and social change would be to comprise a group of employers, community leaders and resources to formally address this problem of voter disenfranchisement and other barriers such as lack of job training and housing for felons when they re-enter society. These are all areas that are decided at the state level. Statewide statistics would have to be completed to show that felony disenfranchisement is severely increased by racial disparities in the criminal justice system. A finding would need to be made to show that these laws could be declared not permissible under certain articles of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. A meeting could then be held to lobby local and state congressional members representing certain districts to ask for changes within the state laws regarding fully reinstating rights of felons in the state to participate in these areas. Things are too reminiscent of the days when African Americans were charg ed with crimes just to keep them from voting and playing a role in society that could benefit their lives. Because of my being a part of this diverse group, African American, some may feel that my advocating for this social change may reflect an unjust preference for this historically oppressed group of people. Also many problems and challenges arise with governmental regulations and perceptions of what state representatives and other resource personnel feel should be addressed by human service personnel. They sometimes feel that getting into matters affecting laws and regulations are not within their scope of practice or knowledge. Due to the complex duties of human service professionals on a day to day basis, ethical standards are provided for guidance when dealing with many situations. The preamble of the Code of Ethics for social workers set guidance to be followed. It is very helpful for review when a supervisor is not available. References Recoquillon, C. Sydenham, K. Humanity In Action Inc. Democracys Punishment: Felon  Disenfranchisement. (2017). Retrieved from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Children’s Behavior is Not Adversely Affected by Daycare :: Expository Essays Research Papers

Children’s Behavior is Not Adversely Affected by Daycare Recently daycare centers have been in the spotlight because of the argument that children who spend a lot of time in daycare tend to have more behavior problems such as over aggressiveness when compared with kids who stay home with their mommies. The following two points of views concerning this controversy illustrate the divide between those who believe daycare is benevolent and those who believe it to be detrimental to children. This first article concerns the results of an ongoing study given by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development about the effects that daycare may have on a child. According to the Newsweek article â€Å"A new battle over day care† (April 30, 2001), this study indicates that kids who spend more than 30 hours a week in child care are three times more likely to be aggressive, defiant and disobedient by the time they reach kindergarten than those who are raised by maternal care. The study on the effects of childcare had made many working parents anxious. Sarah Friedman, scientific coordinator of the study, says, â€Å"The easy answer is to cut the number of hours children are in care†. However, she also mentioned that scientists do not know yet if the hours spent in daycare are the only factors that may increase the child’s aggressive behavior. On the other hand, another article reports that some people believe that daycare won’t ruin the kid’s behavior. Early press reports relied on the account of just one long time childcare critic, Jay Belsky, out of the 29 researchers involved and thus the data in the study may have been misrepresented. NICHD researcher Martha J. Cox of the University of North Carolina says, â€Å"He is more extreme in his views than the rest of us†. Also, Susan B. Campbell, a team member of the University of Pittsburgh, mentioned that children’s behavior such as demanding attention, pushing, teasing, and fighting are completely typical for children whether or not they attend daycare. My opinion about this topic is that we should help our society make life a little easier for moms and dads who must manage the balance between work and family. Help for those parents who need childcare to find a high-quality daycare for their children is essential. We should keep in mind that for many of us, childcare is not a choice but an economic necessity.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Father On behalf of my entire family, I want to thank all of you for your compassion and for being present here today. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mauri-Lynne, and I'm Lionel's daughter. Dad was devoted to every one of you. We all hope that you'll share your memories of him with us, if not today then in the weeks and months to come. My father was committed to the practice and preservation of Jewish life. His religious beliefs informed everything he did. Particularly fond of traditional music, he and I spent many hours listening to the treasured recordings he'd collected over the years. We spoke regularly about our spiritual and communal responsibility as Jews, particularly our responsibilities to G-d. Jewish mystics explain that before manifest creation, everything that ever would be was contained within the Creator as pure potentiality. This field without end created vessels through which its divine energy could pass and differentiate, each representing a specific attribute, such as wisdom, compassion, kindness and strength. The energy being transmitted was so powerful that the vessels shattered. It is said that some of these shattered pieces of divine energy fell to earth as sparks where they have remained all these eons. He and I believe that one of our primary responsibilities to G-d is to repair the world. In Hebrew, we call this process tikkun olam. We accomplish this by performing prescribed mitzvot or good works. We believe that every mitzvah or honorable act, raises those divine sparks. Traditional teachings state that when the repair is complete, we usher in the Messianic Age. Of the many mitzvot, performing acts of loving-kindness, or chesed, is considered one of the most important. No one understood this religious obligation more clearly than my father; it was one of his primary life directives. Each of you is here today because you've experienced my father's kindness, concern and generosity in some way. Several months ago, when I couldn't sleep, I turned on late-night TV and watched the songwriter/singer, Billy Joel, entertaining a college audience. Someone asked about a particular song, and he answered it was written in response to a question his young daughter had asked about death. She wanted to know where people went when they died. He answered that they go into the hearts of the people who loved them. Just look into the eyes of the people sitting all around you.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

America through the Decades

Throughout the history of the United States, there have been important decades that have impacted in different way in the life of American. There are some decades which have greatly changed the life of Americans in a positive way while other decades have had a negative impact in the life of America.In many cases, there are important events that will take place in some years that will have a great impacted in the later life of a nation. One of the most important decades in the history of the United States was the decade between 1940 and 1950s.This decade was defined the entry of the united states into the Second World War and  Ã‚   the consequent formation of the United Nations. Some historians have argued that this decade prepared the United States to play the superpower role that it has assumed in the world. The 1940-1950 decade had a great impacted in defining the American military power that propelled it to a superpower status in the world.This paper will look into some of the m ost important event that happened in the history of the United States in the 1940-1950 decade. The paper will trace the eventual entry of the United States into the war after the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan and the consequent defeat of Japan and surrender of Germany.The paper will also look into the role that the United States played in the eventual formation of the United Nations that has become an important world body in arbitration of conflicts.1940-1950 decadeThe 1940-1950 decade was one of the most trying decades in the 20th century. The decade came immediately after the American economy was recovering from the Great Depression after the New Deal had been reached which greatly changed the economic situation of the country.In this decade the population of the United States stood at 132,122, 000 and at the beginning of the decade, the rate of unemployment stood at 8,120,000. Due to the effect of the Great depression and the cost of the First World War, the national debt stood at $43 billion.Life expectancy stood at 68.2 for females and 60.8 for males.   This was also the decade which saw the Supreme Court make a ruling that blacks have a right to vote which marked the end of the oppressive Jim Crow laws. This decade also saw the end of the Second World War and the rise of the Soviet Union and the United states as the two superpowers in the world which also marked the beginning of the cold war.To the United States, this decade was particular important since it marked the transformation of united states from international alienation to a major player in the global affairs and a major interventionist in global conflicts.   Let us look in the details of the events that shaped the decade. (Threeworldwars, 2008)The 1940s were defined the event surrounding the World War II.   Since American entry into the first world, it had ended its decades of isolation from major global affairs. The First World War has taught America that the world was becoming more inte grated and what happened to its world was also likely to happen to her.The First World War had seen American wake up from her status which had bee outlined in the Monroe Document which upheld the principle of non interference in European affairs.   While the First World War was immediately followed by the Great Depression, the 1940s ushered in a new decade past the Great depression but new challenges of the Second World War was another challenge that the country had to go through (Lone star college, 1999).The decade ushered in with the Japanese attack of the Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941. There had been rumors that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor in reiteration for the United States imposition on the country.However American forces did not expect the attack to happen and when it happened, it caught most of them by surprise.   The Japanese planes attacked naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii killing more than 2,300 American and destroying the USS Arizona and USS Oklah oma capsized.  Ã‚   The attack also sank three more ships and 180 aircraft were destroyed. (Herbert, 2004)This attack was a real surprise to the United States government ant it came at a time when the country was involved in a dilemma whether to go to the war or not. Church Hill had made several attempts to influence US President Franklin Roosevelt to join Britain into the war but there was resistance from the congress and the from the US public.The country was busy in reconstructing its economy after the devastating Great Depression.   However the Pearl Harbor attack was the event that made it clear that American had to go to the way regardless of the neutrality status that many had been calling for.

Non Communicable Diseases In Nepal Health And Social Care Essay

The magnitude of NCDs is still unknown in Nepal. The ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal has non yet formulated policy sing NCDs in the absence of grounds based determination. The survey aims to happen out the magnitude of the job of NCDs in Nepal, therefore directing the concerned governments and at policy degree.MethodsA cross sectional survey was performed to happen out infirmary based prevalence of NCDs, wherein 400 indoor patients of financial twelvemonth 2009 were indiscriminately selected from each of the 31 selected wellness establishments. It included all third degree wellness establishments of the regional and sub regional infirmaries, zonary infirmaries, specialised infirmaries of malignant neoplastic disease and bosom diseases and medical colleges. In instance of Kathmandu Valley one cardinal infirmary, one medical college and one private infirmary were indiscriminately selected. Indoor patients, 35 old ages or older were included in the survey. Univari ate analysis was carried out utilizing frequences and per centums.ConsequencesThe survey revealed that there were 36.5 % of the instances diagnosed with any of the four NCDs ( bosom diseases, COPD, diabetes and malignant neoplastic disease ) . Breast, neck and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease are the chief malignant neoplastic diseases at national degree accounting for 44 % of distribution. Majority of the instances were of HTN ( 47 % ) followed by CVA, CCF, IHD, RHD and MI. Females and advantaged Janajatis ( cultural group ) were found to be holding higher proportion of NCDs in their several groups.DecisionThe survey was able to uncover that Nepal is besides confronting the billowing load of non catching diseases similar to other developing states of south East Asia. Unless comprehensive and sector broad intercession schemes are planned and implemented efficaciously, this job is traveling to upsurge more. Sector wise recommendation was provided in the survey.Keywords: Non-communicable diseases, Nepal, Cross-sectional surveyBackgroundNon-communicable diseases ( NCDs ) refer to diseases or conditions that occur in, or are known to impact, persons over an extended period of clip and for which there are no known causative agents thatare transmitted from one affected single to another. [ 1 ] The hazard factors for many of the NCDs are associated with lifestyle related choicesenvironmental and familial factors. Tobacco usage, harmful usage of intoxicant, unhealthy diets ( high in salt, sugar and fat and low in fruits and veggies ) and physical inaction are some of the established behavioural hazard factors of NCDs. NCDs have emerged as the major causes of morbidity andmortality worldwide. Harmonizing to World Health Organization, in 2008, out of 57 million planetary deceases, 36 million or 63 % were due toNCDs, chiefly cardiovascular diseases or CVDs ( 17 million deceases, or 48 % of NCD deceases ) , malignant neoplastic diseases ( 7.6 million, or 21 % of NCD deceases ) , respiratory diseases, includingasthma and chronic clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) , ( 4.2 million ) and diabetes ( 1.3 million deceases ) . [ 2 ] These diseases have been the taking cause of decease in high-income countriesover the last 50 old ages, and they are emerging as a taking cause of decease in low and middleincome states. [ 3 ] About 80 % of NCD deceases occur in low-and middle-income states and NCDsare the most frequent causes of decease in most states, except in Africa. [ 2 ] Chronic diseases are largerproblem in low-income scenes, as dual load of infective every bit good as chronic diseases are striving their wellness services. [ 4, 5 ] In South Asia, which has onequarter of the planetary population but where about halfthe population lives below the poorness line and haslimited entree to wellness attention, about half of the grownup load ofdisease is attributable to NCDs. [ 6 ] Harmonizing to national studies gathered by WHO ‘s South East Asia regional office, of the totaldeaths in South Asia, the proportion attributable to NCDs ranged from about 7 % in Nepal to 40 % inthe Maldives in 1998. [ 7 ] In Sri Lanka the 1999 nose count study records diabetes prevalence as 8 % inrural countries and 12 % in urban countries ; [ 8 ] tantamount current rates for Nepal have been reported as 3 % and15 % severally. [ 9 ] In Nepal, prevalence of CHD in eastern part was 5.7 % in 2005. Similarly prevalence ofhypertension was 22.7 % in Dharan municipality. [ 10 ] Various surveies have shown that the prevalence ofhypertension in big population was about 20 % in urban population [ 11 ] Harmonizing to the information of ‘Sunsari Health Survey ‘ of the twelvemonth 1993, theprevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure in Sunsari District, from eastern Nepal, was about 6 % and 5.1 % severally in grownups. [ 12 ] A more recent information from an urban country has shown the prevalenceof diabetes and impaired fasting glucose as 14.2 % and 9.1 % severally. [ 13 ] At least 80 % of bosom disease, shot, and type 2 diabetes, and 40 % of malignant neoplastic disease could be avoided through healthy diet, regular physical activity, and turning away of baccy usage. [ 14 ] However, the turning planetary load ofNCDs in hapless states and hapless population has been neglected by policy shapers, majormultilateral and bilateral giver bureau and faculty members [ 15 ] .Cost effectual intercessions to cut down chronic disease hazards exist, and have worked in manycountries. [ 14 ] Nepal is one of the poorest states in the universe – at 157thposition of Human Development Index. [ 16 ] The magnitude ofNCDs is still unknown. The ministry of Health and Population ( MoHP ) , Government of Nepal hasnot yet formulated policy sing NCDs in the absence of grounds based determination. Thus it isimportant to turn to the load of NCDs through research. For this intent ab initio hospital based prevalencedata generated from the regional, sub-regional, zonary and specialised centres across the state wastargeted. This survey was expected to supply a baseline information on magnitude of the NCDs in Nepal. It aims to happen out the magnitude of the job of NCDs in Nepal, therefore directing theconcerned governments and at policy degree.MethodsIt was a cross sectional survey to place thehospital based prevalence of 4 NCDs ( malignant neoplastic disease, bosom diseases, diabetes mellitusand COPD ) .Thirty one wellness establishments ( cardinal, regional, sub-regional, zonary infirmaries, medical colleges andspecialized centres ) were selected from the five developmental parts. In Nepal, most of the instances of NCDs are treated in the third degree wellness establishments like cardinal, regional, sub-regional, zonary, specialised infirmaries and medical colleges. District degree infirmaries have fewfacilities for the diagnosing and intervent ion of NCD instances so they refer these instances to third levelhealth establishments. Taking these issues into history, we selected all the third degree wellness establishments to calculatethe infirmary based prevalence of NCDs. All specialised centres ( Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur Cancer Hospital and Sahid Gangalal National Heart Center ) were besides selected to place the prevalence of different types of malignant neoplastic disease and bosom diseases inNepal.In instance of Kathmandu vale, three wellness institutions- one cardinal infirmary, onemedical college and one private infirmary were indiscriminately selected for this survey utilizing lottery method. This survey was conducted over the period of eight months from December 2009 to July 2010. Indoor patients, 35 old ages or older were included in the survey. This survey included merely the indoor patientsof the selected infirmaries because infirmaries maintain elaborate instance records of indoor patients merely and theywere easy accessible for the survey. Sample size was calculated on the footing of prevalence ( 40 % ) of NCD with12 % allowable mistake ( 95 % CI ) . The sample size calculated was 384.This figure was rounded so that 400 instances were indiscriminately selected from each selected wellness establishment. During this procedure, the infirmary records were reviewed to obtain the information sing the entire figure of indoor instances registered in the twelvemonth 2009. Then instances were selected utilizing computing machine generated random Numberss ( Ms-Excel 2007 ) until the needed sample size of 400 was reached. If the selected instance did non carry through the inclusion standards, so immediate following figure was taken as a instance. Detailss like IPD figure, age, sex, ethnicity, reference and diagnosing were so obtained.Checklist and informations digest signifiers were used for this intent. The survey was approved by the ethical reappraisal board of Nepal Health Research Council. Formalpermission was obtained from the concerned governments of the selected wellness establishments. Confidentiality was maintained. Datas obtained were coded and entered inMs-Excel 2007. The information base was so exported to SPSS ( ver. 11.5 ) for analysis.Univariate analysis was carried out utilizing frequences and per centums.ConsequencesThis survey was conducted in 31 wellness establishments ( Regional, Sub Regional, Zonal, medical colleges, specialised centres and cardinal infirmary ) of Nepal for the intent of placing the infirmary based prevalence of non catching diseases. The entire figure of patient admitted to these infirmaries in financial twelvemonth 2009 was 3, 47,261, out of which 11,907 instances were indiscriminately selected. The figure of instances selected from the wellness establishments ranged from 350 – 400.Proportion of NCDs at the National degreeWholly 11,907 instances were selected from the 31 wellness establishments including specialised Centres. Among them 36.5 % ( 4,343 ) werecases of NCDs. ( Figure 1 )Proportion of assorted NCDs at the National degreeThe proportion of bosom diseases was higher than other NCDs. Out of the sum ( 4343 ) NCD instances, bosom diseases constituted 38 % . COPD was the 2nd prima disease ( 33 % ) where as diabetes and malignant neoplastic disease was10 % and 19 % severally. ( Figure 2 )Distribution of NCDs by age groupsMajority of the patients were from 35-50 old ages followed by 51-65 old ages. Proportion of NCD instances was found to be higher in the age group & A ; gt ; 80 old ages and followed b y 66-80 old ages. ( Table 1 )Distribution of assorted NCDs among age groupsProportion of CVD and malignant neoplastic disease was found to be higher in the age group 35-50 old ages. Similarly, COPD and DM were found to be higher in age group above 80 old ages and 51-65 old ages severally. ( Table 2 )Distribution of NCDs by cultural groupsEthnicity of instances was classified in seven groups harmonizing to the authorities categorization of ethnicity. Most of the patients were from upper caste groups followed by disadvantage Janajati population while really few were from spiritual minorities. The proportion of comparatively advantagedJanajati enduring from NCDs was higher than other cultural groups. ( Table 3 )Distribution of assorted NCDs among cultural groupsThe proportion of comparatively advantaged Janajati was found to be enduring more from bosom diseases, diabetes and malignant neoplastic disease ( 22.33 % , 5.16 % and 14.73 % severally ) while dalit suffered more from COPD whic h was reported 16.97 % . ( Table 4 )Distribution of NCDs by sexAmong the entire sample population female population was higher than male population. Similarly proportion of female was found to be enduring more from NCDs in comparing to male. ( Table 5 ) It was found that among different NCDs, there were more males enduring from bosom diseases and COPD than female and females suffered more from DM and malignant neoplastic disease than male. ( Table 6 )Distribution of NCDs by developmental partsMost of the survey population was from Central Development Region followed by western Development Region whereas relatively few from Far Western Development Region. Similarly proportion of NCDs was found to be higher in CDR and WDR. ( Table 7 )Distribution of assorted NCDs among developmental partsThe survey revealed that people from WDR were found to endure more from bosom diseases and DM which account for 44.93 % and 11.25 % severally. Similarly people from FWDR and MWDR were found to be enduring more from COPD ( 55.5 % and 50.5 % ) and EDR from malignant neoplastic disease ( 31.46 % ) . ( Table 8 )DiscussionOur survey revealed that, out of the 3,294 NCD instances, bulk of the instances ( 43 % ) had COPD and 40 % had bosom diseases followed b y DM ( 12 % ) and Cancer ( 4 % ) . The ground behind such a high proportion of COPD instances could be due to the usage of traditional cookery ranges and burning of solid biomass fuels ( carnal droppings, harvest residue, and wood ) which are the chief beginnings of indoor air pollution. The ingestion of non filtered coffin nails could be another ground for the high prevalence of COPD. Harmonizing to the WHO report on Non Communicable Diseases in South East Asia Region, harmonizing to the infirmary based survey COPD is taking NCD followed by CVD, malignant neoplastic disease and diabetes in Nepal [ 17 ] . Most of the patients enduring from non catching diseases in this survey belonged to the age group 35-65 years.It is obvious from most of the studies that this age group suffered more from NCDs and therefore the inclusion standard was affecting persons & A ; gt ; 35 old ages. The study released by Mauritius on Non Communicable Diseases indicated the most normally affected age group as 25-74 old ages [ 18 ] . It seems the productive age group are largely affected and have indirect impact on productiveness and economic growing of the state as a whole. The cultural distribution of the disease showed higher proportion of advantaged Janajati ( 52.34 % out of the entire advantaged Janajati instances ) to be enduring from NCDs. Female population ( 52.47 % ) was found to be higher in proportion of NCDs [ 19 ] . Among the developmental parts of Nepal, Central Development part ( CDR ) has about half of the entire instances of NCDs. This might hold been influenced by the fact that most sophistic ated infirmaries are in Kathmandu ( which lies in CDR ) and which compels most of the people to seek wellness attention from the infirmaries of Kathmandu. The survey revealed that chest, neck and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease are the chief malignant neoplastic diseases at national degree accounting for 44 % of distribution which suggests that the female is more vulnerable to these malignant neoplastic diseases. A infirmary based retrospective survey conducted in two infirmaries viz. Bhaktapur Cancer Care Center and Om Hospital and Research Center had besides reported similar tendencies. It was observed that female ( 56.4 % ) had more figure of instances of malignant neoplastic disease than male and accounted for about 43.5 % of the entire instances of malignance. Top five malignances included: chest ( 17.31 % ) , lung ( 17.03 % ) , NHL ( Non-Hodzkin ‘s Lymphoma ) ( 8.38 % ) , tummy ( 7.54 % ) and ovarian ( 7.54 % ) malignant neoplastic diseases severally. It was found that tummy and lung malignant neoplastic disease is the most common malignant neoplastic disease that occurs in digestive and respiratory system severally, N HL in the lymphatic system and chest malignant neoplastic disease in female generative system [ 20 ] . Higher prevalence of high blood pressure ( 47 % ) followed by CVA, CCF, IHD, RHD and MI is similar as that of WHO report in Non Communicable Diseases in South East Asia Region which has showed the highest figure of instances of arthritic bosom disease followed by shot and IHD in Nepal [ 21 ] . A figure of surveies conducted in India have shown a important association with a low consumption of fruits and veggies and the hazard of non catching diseases. It has been estimated that 2.7 million lives could be potentially saved if the ingestion of fruits and veggies were sufficiently increased [ 22 ] . Our survey revealed that bosom diseases is more likely to happen in those who have accustomed ingestion of saturated oils where as American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that diets rich in veggies and usage of mustard oil could lend to the lower hazard of IHD among Indians [ 23 ] . Similarly, in a survey done in IHD showed that a maximal figure of the respondents ( 63.8 % ) used refined vegetable oil for cookery followed by mustard oil use by 21 % which contain important degree of poly unsaturated fatty acids shown to be protective against coronary arteria disease [ 24 ] . Hence, the findings observed in the present survey point toward an pressing demand of developing strong community-based intercession plans to turn to the increasing load of these diseases.DecisionThis cross sectional survey was carried out to gauge the infirmary based prevalence of non catching diseases. It was able to uncover the grounds of job of NCD Nepal is confronting. This infirmary based cross sectional survey revealed that there were 36.5 % of the instances diagnosed with any of the four NCDs ( bosom diseases, COPD, diabetes and malignant neoplastic disease ) in the financial twelvemonth 2065/66. Breast, neck and ovarian malignant neoplastic disease are the chief malignant neoplastic diseases at national degree accounting for 44 % of distribution. Majority of the instances were of HTN ( 47 % ) followed by CVA, CCF, IHD, RHD and MI. It reflects that Nepal is besides confronting the billowing load of non catching diseases similar to other developing states of south East Asia. In decision, the magnitude of non catching disease is significant in Nepal and is regarded as a public wellness job. Although grounds for the pandemic of non catching chronic diseases is incontrovertible, as besides seen in this survey, there is a dearth of plan to observe, manage and prevent these diseases in Nepal. The governmental, non-governmental and community based organisations are still contending to undertake the load of infective diseases. Unless pressing and specific focal point on preventing, handling and control of NCDs are targeted, the load of the NCDs will be intolerable to the hapless state like Nepal. This survey had provided a background informations on NCD and the concern organisations should concentrate and lend in the bar, control and decrease of NCDs load and its hazard factors.RecommendationsGiven the complex causality of NCDs, its bar requires an incorporate action across a scope of sectors at local, regional and national degrees. Each person sector can execu te a specific function to lend from their degree. Health attention and public wellness must play a cardinal function in supplying attention and support for the patients but besides in using the alone public wellness theoretical accounts to forestall the associated hazard of NCDs.Recording and Reporting SystemPoor entering system was observed in most of the infirmaries. There was no unvarying format to enter the patient ‘s inside informations. Assorted features of the patients such as caste, reference and even diagnosings were non clearly written on record book in many infirmaries ‘ inmate registry due to which, it became hard to acquire the information refering patient and the diagnosing. Some of the medical colleges and authorities infirmaries used computing machine based package to enter the patients ‘ informations, but the package and format differ from infirmary to infirmary. So there is an huge demand of unvarying recording and coverage format and if possible the information should be maintained in an electronic version. Data based system should be established to centralise the informations and to decently keep the informations at different degree of wellness system.Ministry of Health and PopulationMinistry of Health could develop precedence based substructures and faculties to forestall and command the NCDs at different phases. It should develop a national degree policy and program of action for good planning and implementing the collaborative action between the wellness sector and other giver bureaus to stress on clinical every bit good as preventative steps for the control of NCDs. Capacity edifice plans to the medical forces like in service preparation should be provided to update the cognition and to advance the accomplishments. Most of the wellness establishments particularly in rural portion of the state, lack efficient and new engineering along with the expert work force due to which the patients are forced to travel to the urban countries for quality wellness attention. Ministry should set up non catching disease centre at each development part so that people of rural country besides can bask the quality wellness services. It should set up the surveillance system of NCDs as like other disease surveillance or demand to set up the integrated surveillance system. There is of import function of surveillance for NCDs inthe Region which can motivate the states to set up sustainable databases forNCDs and their hazard factors. This would greatly ease in policy development and planning for NCD bar and control. Advocacy runs such as consciousness raising plans, street play, concerts should be conducted for the general people on how to forestall from the hazard of developing NCDs. The Engagement of the public figures at the local and national media in these events can hike the impact.Population degreeHealth is an single issue and induction from an single degree should be done to be free from NCDs. NCDs consequence from familial, behavioural and environmental factors and the interactions between them. At the population degree, a high prevalence of hazard factors at community degree can be reduced by developing healthy life manner which includes healthy dietetic consumption ( less consumption of fried, oily, debris nutrient ) , regular physical activity, low consumption of salt, thermal balance, psychological emphasis etc. Alcoholic and smoke wont are the associated damaging factors that are responsible for different types NCDs so such wonts should be restrained. Children should be encouraged to amend the healthy life manners and behaviours to advance wellness in order to cut down the load of NCDs in the following coevals.